clear// //Variable Declaration delta=100 //Increase in the temperature in degreeF Load=12000 //Load on the beam in lb //Length in inch Ls=2*12 //Steel Lb=3*12 //Bronze //Area in As=0.75 //Steel Ab=1.5 //Bronze //Modulus of elasticity in psi Es=29*10**6 //Steel Eb=12*10**6 //Bronze //Coefficient of thermal expansion in /degree C alpha_s=6.5*10**-6 //Steel alpha_b=10**-5 //Bronze //Calculations //Applying the Hookes Law and equilibrium we get two equations a=([[Ls*(Es*As)**-1,-Lb*(Eb*Ab)**-1;2,1]]) b=([(alpha_b*delta*Lb-alpha_s*delta*Ls);Load]) y=linsolve(a,b) //Stresses sigma_st=-y(1)*As**-1 //Stress in steel in psi (T) sigma_br=-y(2)*Ab**-1 //Stress in bronze in psi (C) //Result printf("\n The Stress in steel and bronze are as follows") printf("\n %0.3f psi (T) and %0.3f psi(C)",sigma_st,sigma_br)