clear// //Variable Declaration V=1000 //Shear Force in lb t=0.5 //Thickness in inches wf=12 //Width of the flange in inches d=8 //Depth of the section in inches //Rest ALL DATA is similar to previous problem //Calcualtions I=t*wf**3*12**-1+t*d**3*12**-1 //Moment of Inertia //Part 1 q1=V*t*t*wf*3*I**-1 //Shear Flow in lb/in q2=V*t*t*d*2*I**-1 //Shear FLow in lb/in V1=2*3**-1*q1*wf //Shear force carried in lb V2=2*3**-1*q2*d //Shear force carried in lb //Part 2 e=8*V2*V**-1 //Eccentricity in inches //Result printf("\n The Shear Force carried by Flanges is") printf("\n Top Flange= %0.1f lb Bottom Flange= %0.1f lb",V1,V2) printf("\n The eccentricity is %0.3f in",e)