////Variable Declaration nb = 5.00 //Number of moles of Benzene, mol nt = 3.25 //Number of moles of Toluene, mol T = 298.15 //Temperature, K R = 8.314 //Ideal Gas Constant, J/(mol.K) P0b = 96.4 //Vapor pressure of Benzene, torr P0t = 28.9 //Vapor pressure of Toluene, torr //Calculations n = nb + nt xb = nb/n xt = 1. - xb P = xb*P0b + xt*P0t y = (P0b*P - P0t*P0b)/(P*(P0b-P0t)) yt = 1. -y //Results printf("\n Total pressure of the vapor is %4.1f torr",P) printf("\n Benzene fraction in vapor is %4.3f ",y) printf("\n Toulene fraction in vapor is %4.3f ",yt)