////Varialble Declaration ms = 1.423 //Mass of Na2SO4, g mw = 100.34 //Mass of Na2SO4, g DT = 0.037 //Change in temperature for solution, K Mw = 18.02 //Molecular wt of Water Ms = 142.04 //Molecular wt of ms Na2SO4 Ccal = 342.5 //Calorimeter constant, J/K Cpw = 75.3 //Data DHfNa = -240.1 DHfSO4 = -909.3 DHfNa2SO4 = -1387.1 //Calculation DHs = (-Ms/ms)*((mw/Mw)*Cpw*DT+Ccal*DT) DHsolD = 2*DHfNa + DHfSO4 - DHfNa2SO4 //Results printf("\n Enthalpy of solution for Na2SO4 %4.2e J/mol",DHs) printf("\n Enthalpy of solution for Na2SO4 from Data %4.2e J/mol",DHsolD)