//// //Variable Declarations h = 6.626e-34 //Planks constant, J.s k = 1.38e-23 //Boltzman constant, J/K c = 3.0e8 //speed of light, m/s T = 298 //Temeprature, K nubar = list(450, 945, 1100) //Vibrational mode frequencies for OClO, 1/cm //Calculations Qv = 1. for i = nubar qv = 1/(1.-exp(-h*c*100*i/(k*T))) printf("\nAt %4.0f 1/cm the q = %4.3f',i,qv) Qv = Qv*qv end //Results printf("\n Total Vibrational partition function for OClO at %4.1f K is %4.3f",T, Qv)