////Variable Declaration E = +1.51 //EMF for reduction of permangnet, V E01 = -0.7618 //Zn2+ + 2e- --------> Zn (s) E02 = +0.7996 //Ag+ + e- --------> Ag (s) E03 = +1.6920 //Au+ + e- --------> Au (s) //Calculations EZn = E - E01 EAg = E - E02 EAu = E - E03 [Er] = ({EZn,EAg,EAu}) //Results printf("\n Cell potentials for Zn, Ag, Au are %4.2f V, %4.2f V, and %4.2f V",EZn, EAg,EAu) printf("\n Zn has positive cell potential of %4.3f V and Can be oxidized bypermangnate ion",EZn) printf("\n Ag has positive cell potential of %4.3f V and Can be oxidized bypermangnate ion",EAg) printf("\n Au has positive cell potential of %4.3f V and Can be oxidized bypermangnate ion",EAu)