clc // Given that m = 1 // Mass flow rate in kg/s r = 2 // Prssure ratio of blower t1 = 70 // Inlet temperature in degree centigrade p1 = 1 // Inlet pressure in bar R = 0.29 // Gas constant in kJ/kgK x = 0.7 // Reduction in pressure ratio and intake volume gama = 1.4 printf("\n Example 19.15\n") T1 = t1+273 V = m*R*T1/(p1*100) P = V*(p1*r-p1)*100 p2 = p1*((1/x)^(gama)) V2 = x*V P_ = (gama/(gama-1))*(p1*100*V)*((p2/p1)^((gama-1)/gama)-1) + V2*(p1*r-p2)*100 printf("\n Power required to drive the blower = %f kW,\n Power required = %f kW",P,P_) // The answers given in the book vary due to round off error