clc d1 = 2 // Diameter of steel rod in cm d2 = 16 // Diameter of cylindrical furnace in cm e1 = 0.6 // emissivity of inner surface e2 = 0.85 // emissivity of rod surface T = 1093 // Inner surface temperature of furncae in degree celcius Tr1 = 427 // Initial temperature of rod in degree celcius Tr2 = 538 // Initial temperature of rod in degree celcius sigma = 5.67e-8 // Constant rho = 7845 // density in kg/ m^3 c = 0.67 // Specific heat capacity in kJ/kgK printf("\n Example 18.11\n") A_ratio = d1/d2 // Surface area ratio of cylindrical bodies F12 = (1/((1/e1)+(A_ratio*(1/e2 -1)))) A1 = %pi*d1*1e-2*1 // Surface area of rod T1 = Tr1+273 T2 = T +273 T3 = Tr2 +273 Qi = sigma*A1*F12*(T1^4-T2^4) Qe = sigma*A1*F12*(T3^4-T2^4) Q_avg = abs((Qi+Qe)/2) tau = rho*c*(1e-4)*%pi*(Tr2-Tr1)/(Q_avg*(1e-3)) // Time required for heating operation printf("\n Time required for heating operation is %f s",tau) //The answers vary due to round off error