clc // Given that t = 21 // Temperature in degreee celsius w = 20 // Relative humidity in percentage t_ = 21 // Final temperature of air in degree celsius printf("\n Example 15.6 \n") // From the psychrometric chart T2 = 38.5 // In degree celsius h1_3 = 60.5-42 // In kJ/kg fi3 = 53 // In percentage t4 = 11.2 // In degree celsius W1_2 = 0.0153-0.0083 // In kg vap /kg dry air printf("\n The temperature of air at the end of the drying process is %f degree celsius,\n Heat rejected during the cooling process is %f kJ/kg,\n The relative humidity is %f percent,\n The dew point temperature at the end of drying process is %f degree celsius,\n The moisture removed during the drying process is %f kg vap/kg dry air",T2,h1_3,fi3,t4,W1_2)