clc T1 = 275 // Temperature of air at entrance to compressor in K T3 = 310 // Temperature of air at entrance to turbine in K P1 = 1 // Inlet pressure in bar P2 = 4 // Outlet pressure in bar nc = 0.8 // Compressor efficiency T2s = T1*(P2/P1)^(.286) // Ideal temperature after compression T2 = T1 + (T2s-T1)/nc // Actual temperature after compression pr1 = 0.1 // Pressure loss in cooler in bar pr2 = 0.08 //Pressure loss in condenser in bar P3 = P2-0.1 // Actual pressure in condenser P4 = P1+0.08 // Actual pressure in evaporator PR = P3/P4 // Pressure ratio T4s = T3*(1/PR)^(0.286) // Ideal temperature after expansion nt = 0.85 // turbine efficiency T4 = T3-(T3-T4s)*nt // Actual temperature after expansion COP = (T1-T4)/((T2-T3)-(T1-T4)) // Coefficient of performance printf("\n Example 14.11\n") printf("\n Pressure ratio for the turbine is %f ",PR) printf("\n COP is %f ",COP) //The answers vary due to round off error