Example 10.8 Mole fraction of N2 is 0.485294 Mole fraction of CO2 is 0.514706 Equivalent molecular weight of mixture is 36.235294kg/kg mol The equivalent gas constant of the mixture is 0.229445 kJ/kg K Partial pressures of nitrogen and CO2 are 145.588235 kPa and 154.411765 kPa respectively Partial volume of nitrogen and CO2 are 0.870001 kPa and 0.922728 kPa respectively Total volume of mixture is 1.792729 m^3 Density of mixture is 4.462471 kg/m^3 Cp and Cv of mixture are 0.920740kJ/kg K and 0.691296kJ/kg K respectively Change in internal energy of the system heated at constant volume is 110.607309kJ Change in enthalpy of the system heated at constant volume is 147.318477kJ Change in entropy of the system heated at constant volume is 0.365173 kJ/kg K Change in entropy of the system heated at constant Pressure is 0.486376kJ/kgK