//Example_a_9_2 page no:402 clc; Vl=400; Vph=Vl; Vrymag=400; Vryang=0; Vybmag=400; Vybang=-120; Vbrmag=400; Vbrang=-240; Z=3+(%i*4); Zmag=sqrt(real(Z)^2+imag(Z)^2); Zang=atand(imag(Z)/real(Z)); Irmag=Vrymag/Zmag; Irang=Vryang-Zang; Iymag=Vybmag/Zmag; Iyang=Vybang-Zang; Ibmag=Vbrmag/Zmag; Ibang=Vbrang-Zang; Irreal=Irmag*cosd(Irang); Irimag=Irmag*sind(Irang); Ir=Irreal+(%i*Irimag); Iyreal=Iymag*cosd(Iyang); Iyimag=Iymag*sind(Iyang); Iy=Iyreal+(%i*Iyimag); Ibreal=Ibmag*cosd(Ibang); Ibimag=Ibmag*sind(Ibang); Ib=Ibreal+(%i*Ibimag); //calculating the phase current I1=Ir-Ib; I2=Iy-Ir; I3=Ib-Iy; I1mag=sqrt(real(I1)^2+imag(I1)^2); I1ang=atand(imag(I1)/real(I1)); I2mag=sqrt(real(I2)^2+imag(I2)^2); I2ang=atand(imag(I2)/real(I2)); I2ang=I2ang+180;//converting to positive angle I3mag=sqrt(real(I3)^2+imag(I3)^2); I3ang=atand(imag(I3)/real(I3)); cos_pi=real(Z)/Zmag; P=Vph*Irmag*cos_pi; Pt=3*P; disp(Irmag,"the magnitude of phase current Ir is (in A)"); disp(Irang,"the angle of phase current Ir is (in degree)"); disp(Iymag,"the magnitude of phase current Iy is (in A)"); disp(Iyang,"the angle of phase current Iy is (in degree)"); disp(Ibmag,"the magnitude of phase current Ib is (in A)"); disp(Ibang,"the angle of phase current Ib is (in degree)"); disp(I1mag,"the magnitude of line current I1 is (in A)"); disp(I1ang,"the angle of line current I1 is (in A)"); disp(I2mag,"the magnitude of line current I2 is (in A)"); disp(I2ang,"the angle of line current I2 is (in A)"); disp(I3mag,"the magnitude of line current I3 is (in A)"); disp(I3ang,"the angle of line current I3 is (in A)"); disp(P,"power in each phase is (in W)"); disp(Pt,"the total power is (in W)");