//Example_a_5_2 page no:202 clc; V=10; Z=100+(((125.66*%i)*(314.15*%i))/((125.66*%i)+(314.15*%i))); Zmag=sqrt(real(Z)^2+imag(Z)^2); Zang=atand(imag(Z)/real(Z)); disp(Zmag,"the magnitude of impedence is (in ohm)"); disp(Zang,"the angle of impedence is (in degree)"); Imag=V/Zmag; Iang=0-Zang; disp(Imag,"the magnitude of current is (in A)"); disp(Iang,"the angle of current is (in degree)"); //inductance value is doubled Z=100+(%i*179.7); Zmag=sqrt(real(Z)^2+imag(Z)^2); Zang=atand(imag(Z)/real(Z)); disp(Zmag,"the magnitude of impedence is (in ohm)"); disp(Zang,"the angle of impedence is (in degree)");