//Example_a_5_12 page no:213 clc; V=100+(%i*0); Za=10+(%i*8); Zb=9-(%i*6); Zc=3+(%i*2); Zp=(Za*Zb)/(Za+Zb); Zt=Zp+Zc; It=V/Zt; Ia=It*Zb/(Za+Zb); Ib=It*Za/(Za+Zb); Iamag=sqrt(real(Ia)^2+imag(Ia)^2); Iaang=atand(imag(Ia)/real(Ia)); Ibmag=sqrt(real(Ib)^2+imag(Ib)^2); Ibang=atand(imag(Ib)/real(Ib)); theta=-Iaang+Ibang;//here negative sign is used only to find the phase difference between them disp(Iamag,"the magnitude of current in branch A is (in A)"); disp(Iaang,"the angel of current in branch A is (in degree)"); disp(Ibmag,"the magnitude of current in branch B is (in A)"); disp(Ibang,"the angel of current in branch B is (in degree)"); disp(theta,"the angle between Ia and Ib is (in degree)");