//Example 5_9 page no:199 clc function [r,th]=rect2pol(x,y) //rectangle to polar coordinate conversion r=sqrt(x^2+y^2); th=atan(y,x)*180/3.14; endfunction Z1=5+(%i*10) Z2=2-(%i*4) Z3=1+(%i*3) Zt=Z1+((Z2*Z3)/(Z2+Z3)) disp(Zt,"the equivalent impedence is(in ohm)")//imaginary term is rounded off [mag,theta]=rect2pol(real(Zt),imag(Zt)) disp("In polar form") disp(mag,"magnitude of impedance is (in ohm)") disp(theta,"angle of impedance is (in degree)") disp("the values varies slightly with text book hence values are rounded off in text book")