//Example 17_3 page no:831 clc; //given k=400; fc=1000; fx=1100; //calculating m,L,C m=sqrt(1-(fc/fx)^2) L=k/(%pi*fc); C=1/(%pi*k*fc); //calculating T-section elements are L1=m*L/2; L1=L1*1000;//converting to milliHenry C1=m*C; C1=C1*10^6;//converting to microFarad L2=(1-(m^2))*L/(4*m); L2=L2*1000;//converting to milliHenry disp("the values of T-section elements are"); disp(L1,"the inductance between which capacitance is connected is (in mH)"); disp(C1,"the capacitance connected between inductor is (in microFarad)"); disp(L2,"the inductance connected in series with capacitance is (in mH)"); //calculating the pi section elements are C1=m*C/2; C1=C1*10^6;//converting to microFarad C2=(1-m^2)*C/(4*m); C2=C2*10^6;//converting to microFarad L1=m*L; L1=L1*1000;//converting to milliHenry disp("the values of pi section elements are"); disp(C1,"the capacitance connected in parallel is (in microFarad)"); disp(C2,"the capacitance connected in parallel to inductor is (in microFarad)"); disp(L1,"the inductor connected in parallel to capacitance is (in mH)");