// Example 4.1 // Computation for percentage increase in conductivity per degree rise in temperature// // Page no.87 clc; clear; close; //Given data ; T=300; EGO=0.785;//forbidden or bandgap energy of germanium at 0 degree K k=8.62*10^-5; //Calculation for increase in conductivity per degree rise in temperature// conduct_per_temp=(3/(2*T))+(EGO/(2*k*T^2)); //Calculation for percentage increase in conductivity per degree rise in temperature// P1=conduct_per_temp*100; //Thus the conductivity of the intrinsic germanium increases by 5.56 percent per degree kelvin rise in temperature// //Displaying the result in command window printf('\n Increase in conductivity per degree rise in temperature = %0.4f/degree K',conduct_per_temp); printf('\n \n percentage increase in conductivity per degree rise in temperature = %0.2f percent',P1); //Answers are varying due to round off error//