//variable declaration r1=1.258 //Atomic radius of BCC r2=1.292 //Atomic radius of FCC //calculations a1=(4*r1)/sqrt(3) //in BCC b1=((a1)**3)*10**-30 //Unit cell volume v1=(b1)/2 //Volume occupied by one atom a2=2*sqrt(2)*r2 //in FCC b2=(a2)**3*10**-30 //Unit cell volume v2=(b2)/4 //Volume occupied by one atom v_c=((v1)-(v2))*100/(v1) //Volume Change in % d_c=((v1)-(v2))*100/(v2) //Density Change in % //Results printf('a1=%0.3f Angstrom\n\n',(a1)) printf('Unit cell volume =a1**3 =%0.3f *10**-30 m**3\n',((b1)/10**-30)) printf('Volume occupied by one atom =%0.2f *10**-30 m**3\n',(v1/10**-30)) printf('a2=%0.2f\n Angstorm\n',(a2)) printf('Unit cell volume =a2**3 =%0.3f *10**-30 m**3\n',((b2)/10**-30)) printf('Volume occupied by one atom =%0.3f*10**-30 m**3\n',(v2/10**-30)) printf('Volume Change in percentage =%0.3f\n',(v_c)) printf('Density Change in percentage =%0.3f\n',(d_c)) printf('Thus the increase of density or the decrease of volume is about 0.5 percentage")