//Example 2_2 clc(); clear; //To find the tension in the three cords that hold the object //As Sigma(Fx)=0 theta1=37 //units in degrees theta2=53 //units in degrees F1_F2=cos(theta2*%pi/180)/cos(theta1*%pi/180) //As Sigma(Fy)=0 F3=400 //units in Newtons F2=round((F3*cos(theta1*%pi/180))/(cos(theta1*%pi/180)^2+cos(theta2*%pi/180)^2)) //units in Newtons F1=(cos(theta2*%pi/180)/cos(theta1*%pi/180))*F2 //units in Newtons printf("Tension in string 1 is F1=%d N\n",F1) printf("Tension in string 2 is F2=%d N\n",F2) //In textbook the Answer for F2 is printed wrong as 320 N But the correct answer is 319 N