clc horsepower=2.5 //rating of induction motor in horsepower at half load Vl=230 //terminal voltage of motor in volts Il=7 //load current of motor in amperes pf=0.8 //power factor of the machine Pin=sqrt(3)*Vl*Il*pf //input power in watts mprintf("Pin=%f W\n",Pin)//The answer may vary due to roundoff error Whp=746 //watts per hp Pout=horsepower*Whp //output power in watts mprintf("Pout=% f W\n",Pout) mprintf("η=%f\n",Pout/Pin)//The answer may vary due to roundoff error //efficiency of the machine mprintf("Losses=Pin-Pout=%f W\n",Pin-Pout)//The answer may vary due to roundoff error //losses in the machine in watts