//Introduction to Fiber Optics by A. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, Cambridge, New Delhi, 1999 //Example 13.17 //OS=Windows XP sp3 //Scilab version 5.5.2 clc; clear; //given lambda=1550e-9;//Operating wavekength of the system in m alpha=0.2;//Fiber loss in dB/km Pi=1e-3;//Input power in W Np=1000;//Minimum number of photons per bit of information B=2.5e9;//Bit rate in b/s h=6.63e-34;//Planck's constant in SI Units c=3e8;//Speed of photons in m/s v=c/lambda;//Frequency corresponding to the operating frequency Lmax=10/alpha*log10(2*Pi/(Np*B*h*v));//Maximum permissible loss-limited length in km mprintf("\n Maximum permissible loss-limited length Lmax=%.2f km",Lmax);//The answers vary due to round off error