clc; clear; Nd=5*10^16 //Doping level of n-type silicon in cm^-3 Nc=2.8*10^19 //in cm^-3 e=1.6*10^-19 //in J phi_B0=1.09 //in eV epsilon_r=11.7 //in F/cm epsilon_0=8.85*10^-14 //in F/cm Const=0.026 //constant for kT/e in V //Calculation phi_n=Const*log(Nc/Nd) //in eV Vbi=(phi_B0-phi_n) //in eV xn=((2*epsilon_r*epsilon_0*Vbi)/(e*Nd))^0.5 Emax=(e*Nd*xn)/(epsilon_r*epsilon_0) mprintf("a) Ideal Schottky barrier height= %0.3f eV\n",phi_n) mprintf("b) Built-in potential barrier= %0.3f V\n",Vbi) mprintf("c) Space charge width at zero bias= %1.3e cm\n",xn)//The answers vary due to round off error mprintf("d) maximum electric field= %2.2e V cm^-1",Emax) //The answers vary due to round off error