clc; clear; rho=10 //resistivity in ohm-cm myu_n=1300 //electron mobility in cm^2/V*s e=1.6*10^-19 //in eV Cs=5*10^18 //constant surface concentartion in cm^-3 t=1 //in hour x=1 //depth in micro-m //Calculation sigma=1/rho //in (ohm-cm)^-1 n=sigma/(myu_n*e) //in cm^-3 n_Cs=n/Cs erfc1_y=n_Cs //error function y=2.75 //reference page 181 from fig 5.1.1. value obtained by plotting erfc1_y (Complementary error function) as a function of y rootD=x/(2*y*sqrt(t)) T=1100 //reference page 168 from fig 5.10(b) mprintf("rootD = %.2f micro-m/h^-2\n",rootD) mprintf("Temperature at diffusion should be carried out= %i Celsius\n",T) mprintf("The temperature value was choosen by determing the value of T against root(D) in the figure of Diffusivity of acceptor impurities in silicon versus T")