clc; n1=50/84.4 n2=50/80.3 L1=(32.2*12)*(84.4/(100*%pi))^2 L2=(32.2*12)*(80.3/(100*%pi))^2 //a1(L1-a1)=k^2=a2(L2-a2) and a1+a2=30 inches //substituting and solving for a we get a1=141/6.8 a2=30-a1 k=(a1*(L1-a1))^.5 moi=90*(149/144)//moi=m*k^2 printf("length of equivalent simple pendulum when axis coincides with small end and big end respectively-\n") printf("L1=%.1f in\n",L1) printf("L2=%.1f in\n",L2) printf("distances of cg from small end and big end centers respectively are-\n") printf("a1=%.1f in\n",a1) printf("a2=%.1f in\n",a2) printf("Moment of inertia of rod =%.2f lb ft^2",moi)