clc //given m1=500//lb ft^2 m2=1500//lb ft^2 k=150//lb ft^2 w1=150//rpm N=(w1*m1)/(m1+m2) printf("Angular velocity at the instant when speeds of the flywheels are equalised is given by %.2f r.p.m\n",N) //kinetic energy at this instance ke1=(1/2)*((m1+m2)/32.2)*((%pi*N)/30)^2 printf("The kinetic energy of the system at this instance is %.2f ft lb\n",ke1) printf("which is almost equal to 480 ft lb \n") //initial kinetic energy ke0=(1/2)*((m1)/32.2)*((%pi*w1)/30)^2 printf("The initial kinetic energy of the system is %.2f ft lb\n",ke0) printf("which is almost equal to 1915 ft lb \n") //strain energy = s s=ke0-ke1 printf("strain energy stored in the spring is %.2f ft lb which is approximately 1435 ft lb\n",s) x=((1435*2)/150)^.5 printf("Maximum angular displacement is %.2f in radians which is equal to 250 degrees\n",x) //na1 and na are initial and final speeds of the flywheel 1 and same nb1 and nb for flywheel 2 na=2*N-w1//w1=na1 nb=2*N-0//nb1=0 printf ("Speed of flywheel a and b when spring regains its unstrained position are %.2f rpm and %.2f rpm respectively\n",na,nb)