//Clearing console clc clear //Intializing Variables h = 50 kx = 20 ky = 20 a = 0.5/12 b = 0.5/12 t = 0.5/12 Ta = 68 T(1,1) = 180 T(2,1) = 180 T(3,1) = 180 //Surface Convection stiffness matrix from problem EX7.4 k = [0.6327160 -0.1003086 -0.2584877 -0.1003086;-0.1003086 0.6327160 -0.1003086 -0.2584877;-0.2584877 -0.1003086 0.6327160 -0.1003086;-0.1003086 -0.2584877 -0.1003086 0.6327160] k1 = integrate('(1-r)^2','r',-1,1) k2 = integrate('(1+r)^2','r',-1,1) k3 = integrate('1-r^2','r',-1,1) //Edge Convection stiffness matrix and force vector k1h = (h*t*a/4)*[k1 k3 0 0;k3 k2 0 0;0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0] f1h = (h*t*Ta*a/2)*[2;2;0;0] k2h = (h*t*a/4)*[k1 k3 0 0;k3 k2 0 0;0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0]+(h*t*b/4)*[0 0 0 0;0 k1 k3 0;0 k3 k2 0;0 0 0 0] f2h = (h*t*Ta*a/2)*[2;4;2;0] k3h = (h*t*a/4)*[0 0 0 0;0 k1 k3 0;0 k3 k1+k2 k3;0 0 k3 k2] f3h = (h*t*Ta*a/2)*[0;2;4;2] k4h = (h*t*a/4)*[0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0;0 0 k1 k3;0 0 k3 k2] f4h = (h*t*Ta*a/2)*[0;0;2;2] //Surface Convection force vector feh = (h*t*Ta*a/2)*[4;4;4;4] //Constructing Elemental stiffness matrices k1 = k1h + k k2 = k2h + k k3 = k3h + k k4 = k4h + k //Constructing elemental force vectors f1 = f1h + feh f2 = f2h + feh f3 = f3h + feh f4 = f4h + feh //Constructing Global stiffness matrix K(1,1:9) = [k1(1,1) k1(1,4) 0 k1(1,2) k1(1,3) 0 0 0 0] K(2,1:9) = [k1(4,1) k1(4,4)+k4(1,1) k4(1,4) k1(4,2) k1(4,3)+k4(1,2) k4(1,3) 0 0 0] K(3,1:9) = [0 k4(4,1) k4(4,4) 0 k4(4,2) k4(4,3) 0 0 0] K(4,1:9) = [k1(2,1) k1(2,4) 0 k1(2,2)+k2(1,1) k1(2,3)+k2(1,4) 0 k2(1,2) k2(1,3) 0] K(5,1:9) = [k1(3,1) k1(3,4)+k4(2,1) k4(2,4) k1(3,2)+k2(4,1) k1(3,3)+k2(4,4)+k3(1,1)+k4(2,2) k3(1,4)+k4(2,3) k2(4,2) k2(4,3)+k3(1,2) k3(1,3)] K(6,1:9) = [0 k4(3,1) k4(3,4) 0 k3(4,1)+k4(3,2) k3(4,4)+k4(3,3) 0 k3(4,2) k3(4,3)] K(7,1:9) = [0 0 0 k2(2,1) k2(2,4) 0 k2(2,2) k2(2,3) 0] K(8,1:9) = [0 0 0 k2(3,1) k2(3,4)+k3(2,1) k3(2,4) k2(3,2) k2(3,3)+k3(2,2) k3(2,3)] K(9,1:9) = [0 0 0 0 k3(3,1) k3(3,4) 0 k3(3,2) k3(3,3)] //Constructing Global force vector F(4,1) = f1(2,1) +f2(1,1) F(5,1) = f1(3,1) +f2(4,1)+f3(1,1)+f4(2,1) F(6,1) = f3(4,1) +f4(3,1) F(7,1) = f2(2,1) F(8,1) = f2(3,1) +f3(2,1) F(9,1) = f3(3,1) //Resulting force vector by accounting for T1=T2=T3=180 Fd(4:9,1) = F(4:9,1) - K(4:9,1:3)*T(1:3,1) //Solving for Temperatures T(4:9,1)=linsolve(K(4:9,4:9),-Fd(4:9,1)) //Sovling for heat at node 1 2 and 3 F(1:3,1) = K(1:3,1:9)*T //Sovling for heat flow at node 1 2 and 3 F1 = F(1,1) - f1(1,1) F2 = F(2,1) -35.4168 F3 = F(3,1)-f4(4,1) printf('\nResults\n') printf('\nNode-Temperatures \nT1=%f◦F \nT2=%f◦F \nT3=%f◦F \nT4=%f◦F \nT5=%f◦F \nT6=%f◦F \nT7=%f◦F \nT8=%f◦F \nT9=%f◦F',T(1,1),T(2,1),T(3,1),T(4,1),T(5,1),T(6,1),T(7,1),T(8,1),T(9,1)) printf('\nHeat flow at node-1 \nF1=%fBtu/hr',F1) printf('\nHeat flow at node-2 \nF2=%fBtu/hr',F2) printf('\nHeat flow at node-3 \nF3=%fBtu/hr',F3)