//Example 14.9// vm=(1.000-0.733);// volume fractions of matrix //(The values of vm are taken from table 14.10 and 14.11) Em=6.9*10^3;//MPa //polymeric matrix modulus vf=0.733;//volume fractions of fibers // (The values of vf are taken from table 14.10 and 14.11) Ef=72.4*10^3;//MPa//E- glass -reinforced epoxy Ec=(vm*Em)+(vf*Ef) mprintf("Ec = %e MPa",Ec) //for this case Ec=56*10^3 MPa or a=56;//Mpa(The values are from table 14.12) b=54.9;//(The values are taken from table 14.12) e=((a-b)/a)*100 mprintf("\n e = %f percent",e) mprintf("\n The calculated value comes within 2 percent of the measured value" )