clc // Fundamental of Electric Circuit // Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N.O Sadiku // Mc Graw Hill of New York // 5th Edition // Part 2 : AC Circuits // Chapter 12 : Three Phase Circuit // Example 12 - 10 clear; clc; close; // Clear the work space and console. // // Given data V1_mag = 120.0000 * sqrt(3); V1_angle = 30.0000; V2_mag = 120.0000 * sqrt(3); V2_angle = -90.000; Van_mag = 120.0000; Van_angle = 0.0000; Vbn_mag = Van_mag; Vbn_angle = -120.0000; Vcn_mag = Van_mag; Vcn_angle = 120.0000; Zan = complex(0,5); Zbn = complex(10,0); Zcn = complex(0,-10); V1 = complex(V1_mag*cosd(V1_angle),V1_mag*sind(V1_angle)); V2 = complex(V2_mag*cosd(V2_angle),V2_mag*sind(V2_angle)); Z11 = complex(10,5) Z12 = complex(-10,0); Z21 = Z12; Z22 = complex(10,-10); // Calculations Determinants delta = det([Z11 Z12; Z21 Z22]); delta_mag = norm(delta); delta_real = real(delta); delta_imag = imag(delta); delta_angle = atand(delta_imag,delta_real); // Calculations Determinants For Source Voltage V1 delta1 = det([V1 Z12; V2 Z22]); delta1_mag = norm(delta1); delta1_real = real(delta1); delta1_imag = imag(delta1); delta1_angle = atand(delta1_imag,delta1_real); // Calculations Determinants For Source Voltage V2 delta2 = det([Z11 V1; Z12 V2]); delta2_mag = norm(delta2); delta2_real = real(delta2); delta2_imag = imag(delta2); delta2_angle = atand(delta2_imag,delta2_real); // Calculations Mesh Current I1 I1_mag = delta1_mag/delta_mag; I1_angle = delta1_angle - delta_angle // Calculations Mesh Current I2 I2_mag = delta2_mag/delta_mag; I2_angle = delta2_angle - delta_angle // Calculations Line Current a I_a_mag = I1_mag; I_a_angle = I1_angle // Calculations Line Current b I1 = complex(I1_mag*cosd(I1_angle),I1_mag*sind(I1_angle)) I2 = complex(I2_mag*cosd(I2_angle),I2_mag*sind(I2_angle)) I_b_mag = norm(I2 - I1); I_b_angle = atand(imag(I2 - I1),real(I2 - I1)) // Calculations Line Current c I_c_mag = I2_mag I_c_angle = -180.0000 + I2_angle; // Calculations Power Absorbed by the Load for Phase A Sal =(I_a_mag)^2*Zan; // Calculations Power Absorbed by the Load for Phase B Sbl =(I_b_mag)^2*Zbn; // Calculations Power Absorbed by the Load for Phase C Scl =(I_c_mag)^2*Zcn; // Calculations Total Complex Power Absorbed by the Load Stl = Sal + Sbl + Scl; Stl_real = real(Stl); Stl_imag = imag(Stl); // Calculations Power Absorbed by the Source for Phase A Sas =(complex(Van_mag*cosd(Van_angle),Van_mag*sind(Van_angle)))*conj(complex(I_a_mag*cosd(I_a_angle),I_a_mag*sind(I_a_angle))); // Calculations Power Absorbed by the Load for Phase B Sbs =(complex(Vbn_mag*cosd(Vbn_angle),Vbn_mag*sind(Vbn_angle)))*conj(complex(I_b_mag*cosd(I_b_angle),I_b_mag*sind(I_b_angle))); // Calculations Power Absorbed by the Load for Phase C Scs =(complex(Vcn_mag*cosd(Vcn_angle),Vcn_mag*sind(Vcn_angle)))*conj(complex(I_c_mag*cosd(I_c_angle),I_c_mag*sind(I_c_angle))); // Calculations Total Complex Power Absorbed by The Source Sts = Sas + Sbs + Scs; Sts_real = -real(Sts); Sts_imag = -imag(Sts); // disp("Example 12-10 Solution : "); disp("a. The Line Currents: "); printf(" \n I_a_mag = Magnitude of Line Currents a = %.3f A",I_a_mag) printf(" \n I_a_angle = Angle of Line Currents a = %.3f degree",I_a_angle) printf(" \n I_b_mag = Magnitude of Line Currents b = %.3f A",I_b_mag) printf(" \n I_b_angle = Angle of Line Currents b = %.3f degree",I_b_angle) printf(" \n I_c_mag = Magnitude of Line Currents c = %.3f A",I_c_mag) printf(" \n I_c_angle = Angle of Line Currents c = %.3f degree",I_c_angle) disp("") disp("b Total Power Complex Absorbed By The Load"); printf(" \n Stl_real = Real Part of Power Complex = %.3f Watt",Stl_real) printf(" \n Stl_imag = Imaginary Part of Power Complex = %.3f Var",Stl_imag) disp("") disp("c. Total Power Complex Absorbed By The Source"); printf(" \n Sts_real = Real Part of Power Complex = %.3f Watt",Sts_real) printf(" \n Sts_imag = Imaginary Part of Power Complex = %.3f Var",Sts_imag)