// Exa 13.7 clc; clear all; // Given data // Refering circuit in fig. 13.7(a) and graph in fig.13.7(b) on page no.422 I=10; // mA V=30;// Volts Illumination=400;// in l/m^2 // Solution disp(" From graph(13.7(b) , cell resistance at 400 l/m^2 is 1 K ohms"); Rcell=1; // K ohms R1=V/I - Rcell; //Required series resistance Rdark=100;//Cells dark resistance in K ohms Idark=V/(R1+Rdark); // Dark current printf(' The required series resistance and dark current level are %d K ohms amd %.1f mA respectively \n',R1,Idark);