// Example 10.7 // Calculation of the variance of (a) linear phase noise, (b) nonlinear phase noise at the receiver // Page no 477 clc; clear; close; //Given data alpha=0.0461; // Loss coeffient na=20; // No of amplifiers L=80; // Amplifier spacing tb=25*10^-12; // Pulse width P=2*10^-3; // Peak power c=3*10^8; // Velocity of light lambda=1550*10^-9; n=1.5; // Spontaneous emission factor h=6.626*10^-34; // Planck constant r0=1.1*10^-3; // Nonlinear coefficient // a) linear phase noise at the receiver G=exp(alpha*L); f=c/lambda; R=h*f*(G-1)*n; E=P*tb; rl=(na*R)/(2*E); rl=rl*10^3; // (b) nonlinear phase noise at the receiver Le=(1-exp(-alpha*L))/alpha; rnl=((na-1)*na*(2*na-1)*R*E*r0^2*Le^2)/(3*tb^2); rnl=rnl*10^9; t=rl+rnl; //Displaying results in the command window printf("\n The linear phase noise at the receiver = %0.2f rad^2 ",rl); printf("\n The nonlinear phase noise at the receiver = %0.2f rad^2 ",rnl); printf("\n The total variance = %0.2f X 10^-3 rad^2 ",t);