//Chapter 3, Example 3.2, Page 79 clc clear // Estimate the mass of Ga //Based on equation 3.16 av = 15.835 // MeV as = 18.33 // MeV ac = 0.714 // MeV aa = 23.30 // MeV ap = 11.2 // MeV A = 70 c2 = (1/931.5) mn = 1.0072765 mp = 1.0086649 me = 0.00054858 a = av*A b = as*A**(2/3) c = ac*(31**2/A**(1/3)) d = aa*((A-62)**2/A) c = ap/sqrt(A) BE = (a-b-c-d)*c2 // BE/C^2 M = 31*mn+39*mp-BE+31*me printf("\n Nuclear binding energy = %f u",BE); // answer provided in the textbook is wrong printf("\n Atomic mass = %f u",M); //Answer may vary due to round off error