clc clear mprintf('Mechanical vibrations by G.K.Grover\n Example 7.2.1\n') //given data E=1.96*10^11//youngs modulus in N/m^2 I=4*10^-7//moment of area in m^4 M1=100;M2=50//mass of discs 1 and 2 in Kgs c=0.18//distance of disc 1 from support in m l=0.3//distance of disc 2 from support in m g=9.81//aceleration due to gravity in m/sec^2 //calculations a=[(c^3/(3*E*I)),(c^2/(6*E*I)*(3*l-c));(c^2/(6*E*I)*(3*l-c)),(l^3/(3*E*I))]//from SOM y1=g*(M1*a(1,1)+M2*a(1,2)) y2=g*(M1*a(2,1)+M2*a(2,2)) Wn=sqrt(g*(M1*y1+M2*y2)/(M1*y1^2+M2*y2^2)) //now to find out lower natural frequency F1=M1*y1*Wn^2 F2=M2*y2*Wn^2 y1new=F1*a(1,1)+F2*a(1,2) y2new=F1*a(2,1)+F2*a(2,2) Wnnew=sqrt((F1*y1new+F2*y2new)/(M1*y1new^2+M2*y2new^2))//actual natural frequency in rad/sec //output mprintf(' The practical natural frequency Wn is %4.4f rad/sec,but the lower \n natural frequency Wn`is %4.4f rad/sec which is closer to the actual\n natural frequency',Wn,Wnnew)