clc clear mprintf('Mechanical vibrations by G.K.Grover\n Example 4.5.1\n') //given data X=0.015//amplitude of vibration of spring mass dashpot system in m f=100//frquency of vibration of spring mass dashpot system in Hz zeta=0.05 fnD=22//damped natural frequency in Hz m=0.5//mass in kg //calculations W=2*%pi*fnD c=2*m*W*zeta// from Eqn 3.3.6 and Eqn 3.3.7 Epercycl=%pi*c*(2*%pi*f)*X^2//Eqn dissipated per cycle Epersec=Epercycl*f//energy dissipated per sec //output mprintf(' The power required to vibrate spring mass dashpot system with \n an amplitude of 1.5 cm and at frequency of 100 Hz is %4.4f Watts',Epersec) mprintf('\nNOTE: slight differnce in answer compared to textbook\n is due approximation of value of pi')