clc clear mprintf('Mechanical vibrations by G.K.Grover\n Example 4.3.2\n') //given data m=320//mass of engine in kg mo=24//reciprocating mass on motor in kg r=0.15//vertical stroke in m e=r/2 delst=0.002//stati defln in m C=490/(0.3)//damping recistance in N-sec/m g=9.81// gravity in m/sec^2 N=480//speed in rpm in case b) //calculation Wn=sqrt(g/delst) //natural freqency in rad/sec Nr=Wn/(2*%pi)*60 //resonant speed in rpm W=(2*%pi*N/60) bet=(W/Wn) zeta=(C/(2*m*Wn)) //damping factor y=(mo/m)//from eqn 4.3.2 X=(y*e)*(bet)^2/sqrt((1-bet^2)^2+(2*zeta*bet)^2)//from eqn 4.3.2 //output mprintf(' a)speed of driving shaft at which esonance occurs is %4.4f RPM\n b)The amplitude of steady state forced vibrations when the driving shaft \n of the engine rotates at 480 RPM is %f m',Nr,X)