clc;funcprot(0);//EXAMPLE 8.1 //page 221 // Initialisation of Variables t0=1;.......//Thickness of Copper plate in cm tf=0.50;.....//Cold reducetion of coopper in cm in step1 tf2=0.16;.....// Further Cold reduction of cooper in cm in step2 //CALCULATIONS %CW1=((t0-tf)/t0)*100;......//Amount of Cold work accomplished in step1 %CW2=((tf-tf2)/tf)*100;.....//Amount of Cold work accomplished in step2 %CW=((t0-tf2)/t0)*100;.......//Actual Total Cold work in percent disp(%CW1,"Amount of Cold work accomplished in step1:") disp(%CW2,"Amount of Cold work accomplished in step2:") disp(%CW,"Actual Total Cold work in percent:")