printf("\t example 7.5 \n"); printf("\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n"); T1=175; // inlet hot fluid,F T2=150; // outlet hot fluid,F t1=85; // inlet cold fluid,F delt1=T2-t1; //F printf("\t delt1 is : %.0f F \n",delt1); U=15; // assumption,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) theta=8000; // operating hours,hr CW=(0.01/8300); // water cost,$/lb printf("\t For annual charges assume 20 per cent repair and maintenanc.e and 10 per cent depreciation \n"); CF=(0.3*4); // annual fixed charges/ft^2 c=1; // Btu/(lb)*(F) X=((U)*(theta)*(CW)/(CF*c)); printf("\t X is : %.4f \n",X); Y=((T1-T2)/delt1); printf("\t Y is : %.2f \n",Y); A=0.96; // A=(delt2/delt1), from fig 7.24 delt2=0.96*delt1; printf("\t delt2 is : %.1f F \n",delt2); t2=T1-delt2; // F printf("\t t2 is : %.1f F \n",t2); //end