printf("\t example 15.4\n"); printf("\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n"); t1=315; // inlet cold fluid,F t2=335; // outlet cold fluid,F T1=525; T2=400; Wv=29000; // lb/hr Ws=38500; // lb/hr w=51000; // lb/hr printf("\t 1.for heat balance \n"); Ht1=238; // enthalpy at t1, Btu/lb, fig 9 Ht2=252; // enthalpy at t2, Btu/lb, fig 9 Ht3=378; // enthalpy of vapour at t2 qv=(Wv*(Ht3-Ht2)); // for preheat printf("\t qv is : %.2e Btu/hr \n",qv); qs=Ws*(Ht2-Ht1); printf("\t qs is : %.2e Btu/hr \n",qs); Q=qs+qv; printf("\t total heat required for naphtha is : %.2e Btu/hr \n",Q); c=0.66; // Btu/(lb)(F) Q=((w)*(c)*(T1-T2)); // Btu/hr printf("\t total heat required for gasoil is : %.2e Btu/hr \n",Q); delt1=T2-t1; //F delt2=T1-t2; // F printf("\t delt1 is : %.0f F \n",delt1); printf("\t delt2 is : %.0f F \n",delt2); LMTD=((delt2-delt1)/((2.3)*(log10(delt2/delt1)))); printf("\t LMTD is :%.0f F \n",LMTD); R=((T1-T2)/(t2-t1)); printf("\t R is : %.2f \n",R); S=((t2-t1)/(T1-t1)); printf("\t S is : %.3f \n",S); printf("\t FT is 0.97 \n"); // from fig 18 delt=(0.97*LMTD); // F printf("\t delt is : %.0f F \n",delt); X=((delt1)/(delt2)); // fig 17 printf("\t ratio of two local temperature difference is : %.3f \n",X); Fc=0.41; // from fig.17 Kc=0.42; Tc=((T2)+((Fc)*(T1-T2))); // caloric temperature of hot fluid,F printf("\t caloric temperature of hot fluid is : %.0f F \n",Tc); tc=((t1)+((Fc)*(t2-t1))); // caloric temperature of cold fluid,F printf("\t caloric temperature of cold fluid is : %.0f F \n",tc); printf("\t hot fluid:inner tube side,steam \n"); Nt=116; n=8; // number of passes L=12; //ft at1=0.546; // flow area,table 10, in^2 at=((Nt*at1)/(144*n)); // total area,ft^2,from eq.7.48 printf("\t flow area is : %.3f ft^2 \n",at); Gt=(w/(at)); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2) printf("\t mass velocity is : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n",Gt); mu1=1.09; // at 451F, fig 14,lb/(ft)*(hr) D=0.0695; // ft Ret=((D)*(Gt)/mu1); // reynolds number printf("\t reynolds number is : %.2e \n",Ret); jH=168; // from fig.24 Z=0.142; // Z=k*((c)*(mu1)/k)^(1/3), fig 16 Hi=((jH)*(1/D)*(Z)); //, Hi=(hi/phyt)using eq.6.15d,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) printf("\t individual heat transfer coefficient is : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n",Hi); Hio=((Hi)*(0.834/1)); //Hio=(hio/phyp), using eq.6.9 printf("\t Correct Hio to the surface at the OD is : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n",Hio); printf("\t cold fluid:shell side,naphtha \n"); ho1=200; // assumption tw=(tc)+(((Hio)/(Hio+ho1))*(Tc-tc)); // from eq.5.31, calculation mistake printf("\t tw is : %.0f F \n",tw); deltw=(tw-tc); printf("\t deltw : %.0f F \n",deltw); // from fig 15.11, hv>300, hs=60 Av=(qv/300); As=qs/60; printf("\t qv/hv : %.3e \n",Av); printf("\t qs/hs : %.0e \n",As); A1=As+Av; printf("\t A : %.3e \n",A1); ho=(Q/A1); printf("\t ho : %.0f \n",ho); Uc=((Hio)*(ho)/(Hio+ho)); // clean overall coefficient,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) printf("\t clean overall coefficient is : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n",Uc); A2=0.2618; // actual surface supplied for each tube,ft^2,from table 10 A=(Nt*L*A2); // ft^2 printf("\t total surface area is : %.0f ft^2 \n",A); UD=((Q)/((A)*(delt))); printf("\t actual design overall coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n",UD); // check for max. flux=Q/A=11500.(satisfactory) Rd=((Uc-UD)/((UD)*(Uc))); // (hr)*(ft^2)*(F)/Btu printf("\t actual Rd is : %.4f (hr)*(ft^2)*(F)/Btu \n",Rd); printf("\t pressure drop for inner pipe \n"); f=0.000168; // friction factor for reynolds number 59200, using fig.26 s=0.73; phyt=1; delPt=((f*(Gt^2)*(L)*(n))/(5.22*(10^10)*(D)*(s)*(phyt))); // using eq.7.45,psi printf("\t delPt is : %.1f psi \n",delPt); X1=0.11; // X1=((V^2)/(2*g)), for Gt 1060000,using fig.27 delPr=((4*n*X1)/(s)); // using eq.7.46,psi printf("\t delPr is : %.1f psi \n",delPr); delPT=delPt+delPr; // using eq.7.47,psi printf("\t delPT is : %.1f psi \n",delPT); printf("\t allowable delPa is negligible \n"); printf("\t pressure drop for annulus \n"); Af=(3.14*(21.25^2-(116))/8); printf("\t flow area : %.0f in^2 \n",Af); as=0.917; // ft^2 p=(3.14*21.25/2)+(3.14*1*116/2)+(21.25); printf("\t wetted perimeter : %.1f in \n",p); De=0.186; // ft Gs=(Ws/(2*as)); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2) printf("\t mass velocity is : %.1e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n",Gs); mu2=0.435; // at 315F, fig 14,lb/(ft)*(hr) Res=((De)*(Gs)/mu2); // reynolds number printf("\t reynolds number is : %.2e \n",Ret); f=0.00028; // using fig.26 row=0.337; // fig 13.14 // soutlet max=0.071, s=0.35; // using fig.6 phys=1; delPs=((f*(Gs^2)*(L))/(5.22*(10^10)*(De)*(s)*(phys))); // using eq.7.44,psi printf("\t delPs is : %.4f psi \n",delPs); printf("\t allowable delPa is .25 psi \n"); //end