clc; T01=38+273; // Inlet temperature of compressor in kelvin eff_c=0.82; // Compressor efficiency T03=650+273; // Turbine inlet temperature in kelvin eff_T=0.8; // Turbine efficiency Cpa=1.005;// Specific heat of air at constant pressure in kJ/kg K Cpg=1.147;// Specific heat of fuel at constant pressure in kJ/kg K rg=1.33;// Specific heat ratio of fuel r=1.4; // Specific heat ratio of air t=T03/T01; // For maximun specific work we know that ropt=(sqrt (t*eff_c*eff_T))^(r/(r-1)); T_02=T01*ropt^((r-1)/r); T02=T01+(T_02-T01)/eff_c; T_04=T03/ropt^((rg-1)/rg); T04=T03-eff_T*(T03-T_04); eff_th=((Cpg*(T03-T04))-(Cpa*(T02-T01)))/(Cpg*(T03-T02)); disp (ropt,"Optimum pressure ratio = "); disp ("%",eff_th*100, "Overall efficiency = ");