// chapter14 // example14.9 // page 303 // figure given in book is for reference only. It is not required to solve the example since the required details are very clearly specified in the problem statement. // moreover more data is needed to plot the graph given in book. Av_max1=2000 // for 2 kHz Av_sqrt_2=1414 // for 10 kHz and 50 Hz percent_Av_max1=70.7*Av_max1/100 printf("70.7 percent of maximum gain 2000 is = %.3f \n",percent_Av_max1) if Av_sqrt_2==percent_Av_max1 printf("we observe that 70.7 percent of max gain 2000 is 1414 \n") printf("this gain 1414 is at 50 Hz and 10 kHz \n") printf("so bandwidth = 50 Hz to 10 kHz \n \n") printf("since frequency on lower side at which gain falls to \n70.7 percent is 50 Hz.So lower cutoff frequency = 50 Hz \n \n") printf("since frequency on upper side at which gain falls to \n70.7 percent is 10 kHz.So upper cutoff frequency = 10 kHz \n \n") else printf("data is insuficient for finding bandwidth and cutoff frequencies \n") end