//Optical Fiber communication by A selvarajan //example 2.9 //OS=Windows XP sp3 //Scilab version 5.5.1 clc; clear all; //given lambda=1.3;//wavelength of operation in um n1=1.5;// refractive index of core n2=1.48;// refractive index of cladding k0=2*%pi/lambda;//constant in /m //case-1 b=0.5//normalized propagation constant k0=2*%pi/lambda//constant beta=k0*sqrt(n2^2+b*(n1^2-n2^2))//propagation constant mprintf("Propagation constant=%frad/um",beta)//The answers vary due to round off error //case-2 //given lambda=1.3;//wavelength of operation in um n1=1.5;// refractive index of core n2=1.48;// refractive index of cladding k0=2*%pi/lambda;//constant in /m b=0.5//normalized propagation constant k0=2*%pi/lambda//constant b=(((n1+n2)/2)^2-n2^2)/(n1^2-n2^2)//normalized propagation constant mprintf("\nPropagation constant=%f ",b)//The answers vary due to round off error //case-3 //given lambda=1.3;//wavelength of operation in um n1=1.5;// refractive index of core n2=1.0;// refractive index of cladding k0=2*%pi/lambda;//constant in /m b=0.5//normalized propagation constant k0=2*%pi/lambda//constant beta=k0*sqrt(n2^2+b*(n1^2-n2^2))//propagation constant mprintf("\nPropagation constant=%f rad/um",beta)//The answers vary due to round off error