clc //Chapter5 //Ex_7 //Given Nd=10^15 //in cm^-3 Nc=2.8*10^19 //in cm^-3 Ti=556 // in Kelvin k=8.62*10^-5 //in eV/K delta_E=0.045 //in eV T=300 //in kelvin //part(a) disp("From fig 5.16 the estimated temperature above which the si sample behaves as if intrinsic is 556 Kelvin") //part(b) Ts=delta_E/(k*log(Nc/(2*Nd))) Nc_Ts=Nc*(Ts/T)^(3/2) disp(Ts,"Lowest temperature in kelvin is") //the improved temperature Ts=delta_E/(k*log(Nc_Ts/(2*Nd))) printf("Extrinsic range of Si is %f K to 556 K",Ts)