clc //Chapter3 //Ex_13 //Given h=6.6*10^-34 //in J s c=3*10^8 //in m/s m=9.1*10^-31 //in Kg e=1.6*10^-19 // in coulombs v=2.1*10^6 // in m/s E=m*v^2/2 //in J E=E/e // in eV E1=-13.6 // in eV //change in the energy is E=En-E1 n=sqrt(-13.6/(E+E1)) printf(" the electron gets excited to %d level",n) n=3 E3=-13.6/n^2 delta_E31=E3-E1 // in eV delta_E31=delta_E31*e //in J lambda_31=h*c/delta_E31 disp(lambda_31*10^9,"wavelength of emmited radiation from n=3 to n=1 in nm is") //Another probability is transition fromm n=3 to n=2 n=2 E2=-13.6/n^2 delta_E32=E3-E2 // in eV delta_E32=delta_E32*e // in J lambda_32=h*c/delta_E32 disp(lambda_32*10^9,"wavelength of emmited radiation from n=3 to n=2 in nm is") //Another probability is transition fromm n=2 to n=1 E2=-13.6/n^2 delta_E21=E2-E1 // in eV delta_E21=delta_E21*e // in J lambda_21=h*c/delta_E21 disp(lambda_21*10^9,"wavelength of emmited radiation from n=2 to n=1 in nm is")