clc //Chapter3 //Ex_10 //Given h_bar=1.054*10^-34 // in J s m=9.1*10^-31 //in Kg e=1.6*10^-19 // in coulombs Vo=10 //in ev Vo=Vo*e //in J E=7 // in eV E=E*e // in J a=5*10^-9 // in m alpha=sqrt(2*m*(Vo-E)/h_bar^2) To=16*E*(Vo-E)/Vo^2 T=To*exp(-2*alpha*a) disp(T,"Transmission coefficient of condution electrons in copper is") a=1*10^-9 // in m T=To*exp(-2*alpha*a) disp(T,"Transmission coefficient if the oxide barrier is 1 nm is") // slight change in the answer due to approximations in alpha value