//Chapter 7,Example 7.1 Page 221 clc clear //(i)The natural impedence of the line d = 100 r = 0.75 E0 = 10^-9/36 //Epselon L = 2*10^-7*log(d/r) // inductance per unit length C = 2*E0/log(d/r) // capacitance per phase per unit length NI = sqrt(L/C) // nautral impedence printf ("(i) The natural impedence of the line \n") printf (" The natural impedance = %f ohms \n\n",NI) //(ii) the line current V = 11000 // V R = 1000 Z2= 1000 Z1 = 294 I = V/(sqrt(3)*NI) // the line current printf ("(ii) The line current \n") printf (" The line current = %f amps \n\n",I) //(iii) the rate of power consumption E1 = 2*V*R/(sqrt(3)*(Z1+Z2)) P = 3*E1^2*1000/R printf ("(iii) The rate of power consumption \n") printf (" The rate of power consumption = %f kW \n",P*10^-6) E2 = ((Z2-Z1)/(Z2+Z1))*(11/sqrt(3)) Er = 3*(E2^2)*1000/Z1 printf (" The rate of reflected energy = %f kW \n\n",Er) //(iv) the rate of reflected energy printf ("(iv) The rate of reflected energy \n") printf (" In order that the incident wave when reaches the terminating resistance, \n does not suffer reflection, the terminating resistance should be equal to \n the surge impedance of the line, i.e.%f ohms \n\n",NI) //(v) The amount of reflected and transmitted power printf ("(v) The amount of reflected and transmitted power \n") L = 0.5*10^-8 C = 10^-12 SI = sqrt(L/C) // surge impedence of the cable printf (" Surge impedence of the cable = %f ohm \n",SI) ReffV = (2*SI/(Z1+SI))*(11/sqrt(3)) // refracted voltage Rif = ((SI-Z1)/(Z1+SI))*(11/sqrt(3)) // reflected voltage refP = 3*ReffV^2*1000/SI rifp = 3*Rif^2*1000/Z1 printf (" Refracted powers = %f kW \n",refP) // refracted powers printf (" Reflected powers = %f kW \n",rifp) // reflected powers // Answers may vary due to round off error