clc; //page 166 //Determination of B //At equillibrium +sum(M_A)=0 //B*1.5m-(9.81kN)(2 m)-(23.5 kN)(6 m)=0, B assumed to be in +ve X direction B=(9.81*2+23.5*6)/1.5//kN printf("B=%.2f kN \n +ve sign shows reaction is directed as assumed ",B); //Determination of Ax //Sum Fx=0 //Ax+B=0 Ax=-B;//kN printf("Ax=%.2f kN\n",Ax); //Determination of Ay //Sum Fy=0 //Ay-9.81 kN-23.5kN=0 Ay=9.81+23.5;//kN printf("Ay=%.2f kN\n",Ay); A=[Ax,Ay];//kN Adding component A=norm(A);//Magnitude of force A theta=atan(Ay/Ax);//radians theta=theta*180/%pi;//degrees, conversion into degrees printf("Reaction at A is A=%.2f kN making angle %.2f degrees \n with + ve x axis ",A,theta); //Slight variation in the answer because of roundoff error