// A Texbook on POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING // A.Chakrabarti, M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar // DHANPAT RAI & Co. // SECOND EDITION // PART IV : UTILIZATION AND TRACTION // CHAPTER 6: MOTORS FOR ELECTRIC TRACTION // EXAMPLE : 6.2 : // Page number 788-789 clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // Given data N_1 = 500.0 // Speed(rpm) I_1 = 50.0 // Current(A) E_1 = 220.0 // Armature voltage(V) I_2 = 100.0 // Current(A) E_2 = 350.0 // Armature voltage(V) I_3 = 150.0 // Current(A) E_3 = 440.0 // Armature voltage(V) I_4 = 200.0 // Current(A) E_4 = 500.0 // Armature voltage(V) I_5 = 250.0 // Current(A) E_5 = 540.0 // Armature voltage(V) I_6 = 300.0 // Current(A) E_6 = 570.0 // Armature voltage(V) R_wb = 0.08 // Armature and brush resistance(ohm) R_f = 0.05 // Resistance of series field(ohm) V = 600.0 // Operating voltage(V) // Calculations R_a = R_wb+R_f // Armature resistance(ohm) N_11 = N_1/E_1*(V-I_1*R_a) // Speed(rpm) T_1 = 9.55*E_1*I_1/N_1 // Torque(N-m) N_2 = N_1/E_2*(V-I_2*R_a) // Speed(rpm) T_2 = 9.55*E_2*I_2/N_1 // Torque(N-m) N_3 = N_1/E_3*(V-I_3*R_a) // Speed(rpm) T_3 = 9.55*E_3*I_3/N_1 // Torque(N-m) N_4 = N_1/E_4*(V-I_4*R_a) // Speed(rpm) T_4 = 9.55*E_4*I_4/N_1 // Torque(N-m) N_5 = N_1/E_5*(V-I_5*R_a) // Speed(rpm) T_5 = 9.55*E_5*I_5/N_1 // Torque(N-m) N_6 = N_1/E_6*(V-I_6*R_a) // Speed(rpm) T_6 = 9.55*E_6*I_6/N_1 // Torque(N-m) // Results disp("PART IV - EXAMPLE : 6.2 : SOLUTION :-") printf("\nSpeed-torque curve for motor") printf("\n_______________________________________") printf("\n Speed(rpm) : Torque(N-m) ") printf("\n_______________________________________") printf("\n %.f : %.f ", N_11,T_1) printf("\n %.f : %.f ", N_2,T_2) printf("\n %.f : %.f ", N_3,T_3) printf("\n %.f : %.f ", N_4,T_4) printf("\n %.f : %.f ", N_5,T_5) printf("\n %.f : %.f ", N_6,T_6) printf("\n_______________________________________\n") printf("\nNOTE: ERROR: Calculation mistakes in the textbook solution")