// A Texbook on POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING // A.Chakrabarti, M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar // DHANPAT RAI & Co. // SECOND EDITION // PART IV : UTILIZATION AND TRACTION // CHAPTER 1: INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRIC MOTORS // EXAMPLE : 1.1 : // Page number 676 clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // Given data capital_cost_group = 8000.0 // Capital cost of group drive(Rs) n_single = 5.0 // Number of individual drive capital_cost_single = 2500.0 // Capital cost of individual drive(Rs) energy_cons_group = 40000.0 // Annual energy consumption of group drive(kWh) energy_cons_single = 30000.0 // Annual energy consumption of group drive(kWh) cost_energy = 8.0/100 // Cost of energy per kWh(Rs) dmo_group = 12.0 // Depreciation,maintenance & other fixed charges for group drive(%) dmo_single = 18.0 // Depreciation,maintenance & other fixed charges for individual drive(%) // Calculations // Case(a) annual_cost_energy_a = energy_cons_group*cost_energy // Annual cost of energy(Rs) dmo_cost_a = capital_cost_group*dmo_group/100 // Depreciation,maintenance & other fixed charges per year for group drive(Rs) yearly_cost_a = annual_cost_energy_a+dmo_cost_a // Total yearly cost(Rs) // Case(b) total_cost = capital_cost_single*n_single // Capital cost of individual drive(Rs) annual_cost_energy_b = energy_cons_single*cost_energy // Annual cost of energy(Rs) dmo_cost_b = total_cost*dmo_single/100 // Depreciation,maintenance & other fixed charges per year for individual drive(Rs) yearly_cost_b = annual_cost_energy_b+dmo_cost_b // Total yearly cost(Rs) // Results disp("PART IV - EXAMPLE : 1.1 : SOLUTION :-") printf("\nTotal annual cost of group drive = Rs. %.f ", yearly_cost_a) printf("\nTotal annual cost of individual drive = Rs. %.f ", yearly_cost_b)