// A Texbook on POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING // A.Chakrabarti, M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar // DHANPAT RAI & Co. // SECOND EDITION // PART III : SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION // CHAPTER 8: PROTECTION OF ALTERNATORS AND AC MOTORS // EXAMPLE : 8.8 : // Page number 627 clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // Given data kV = 11.0 // Alternator voltage(kV) P = 100.0 // Alternator maximum rating(MW) PF = 0.8 // Power factor X = 0.1 // Reactance of alternator(pu) i = 500.0 // Current(A) per = 10.0 // Windings unprotected(%) // Calculations I = P*1000/(3**0.5*kV*PF) // Rated current of alternator(A) a = i/I // Relay setting I_n = a*I*100/per // Current through neutral(A) R = kV*1000/(3**0.5*I_n) // Magnitude of neutral earthing resistance(ohm) // Results disp("PART III - EXAMPLE : 8.8 : SOLUTION :-") printf("\nMagnitude of neutral earthing resistance, R = %.2f ohm\n", R) printf("\nNOTE: ERROR: Unit of resistance is not mentioned in textbook solution")