// A Texbook on POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING // A.Chakrabarti, M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar // DHANPAT RAI & Co. // SECOND EDITION // PART III : SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION // CHAPTER 8: PROTECTION OF ALTERNATORS AND AC MOTORS // EXAMPLE : 8.2 : // Page number 624-625 clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // Given data MVA = 20.0 // Generator rating(MVA) V = 11.0*10**3 // Generator voltage(V) ratio_CT = 1200.0/5 // Ratio of current transformer I_min_op = 0.75 // Minimum operating current of relay(A) R = 6.0 // Neutral point earthing resistance(ohm) // Calculations I_max_fault = ratio_CT*I_min_op // Maximum fault current to operate relay(A) x = I_max_fault*3**0.5*100*R/V // Unprotected portion for R = 6 ohm(%) R_1 = 3.0 // Neutral point earthing resistance(ohm) x_1 = I_max_fault*3**0.5*100*R_1/V // Unprotected portion for R = 3 ohm(%) R_3 = 12.0 // Neutral point earthing resistance(ohm) x_3 = I_max_fault*3**0.5*100*R_3/V // Unprotected portion for R = 12 ohm(%) // Results disp("PART III - EXAMPLE : 8.2 : SOLUTION :-") printf("\nUnprotected portion of each phase of the stator winding against earth fault, x = %.f percent", x) printf("\nEffect of varying neutral earthing resistance keeping relay operating current the same :") printf("\n (i) R = 3 ohms") printf("\n Unprotected portion = %.1f percent", x_1) printf("\n Protected portion = %.1f percent", (100-x_1)) printf("\n (ii) R = 6 ohms") printf("\n Unprotected portion = %.f percent", x) printf("\n Protected portion = %.f percent", (100-x)) printf("\n (iii) R = 12 ohms") printf("\n Unprotected portion = %.f percent", x_3) printf("\n Protected portion = %.f percent", (100-x_3))