// A Texbook on POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING // A.Chakrabarti, M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar // DHANPAT RAI & Co. // SECOND EDITION // PART III : SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION // CHAPTER 6: CIRCUIT BREAKER // EXAMPLE : 6.5 : // Page number 565 clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // Given data kV = 132.0 // Voltage(kV) C = 0.01*10**-6 // Phase to ground capacitance(F) L = 6.0 // Inductance(H) i = 5.0 // Magnetizing current(A) // Calculations V_pros = i*(L/C)**0.5/1000 // Prospective value of voltage(kV) R = 1.0/2*(L/C)**0.5/1000 // Resistance to be used across the contacts to eliminate the restriking voltage(k-ohm) // Results disp("PART III - EXAMPLE : 6.5 : SOLUTION :-") printf("\nVoltage across the pole of a CB = %.1f kV", V_pros) printf("\nResistance to be used across the contacts to eliminate the restriking voltage, R = %.2f k-ohm\n", R) printf("\nNOTE: ERROR: Unit of final answer R is k-ohm, not ohm as in the textbook solution")